< Docs
  • Java


A MilvusClient interface. This method creates a collection with a smaller set of parameters.

R<RpcStatus> createCollection(CreateSimpleCollectionParam requestParam);


Use the CreateSimpleCollectionParam.Builder to construct a CreateSimpleCollectionParam object.

import io.milvus.param.highlevel.collection.CreateCollectionParam;
CreateSimpleCollectionParam.Builder builder = CreateSimpleCollectionParam.newBuilder();

Methods of CreateSimpleCollectionParam.Builder:

withCollectionName(String collectionName)Sets the collection name.
The value cannot be empty or null.
collectionName: Name of the collection to create.
withDimension(int dimension)Sets the collection vector dimension.
The value must be greater than zero and less than 32768.
dimension: Number of dimensions for the vector field of the collection.
withMetricType(MetricType metricType)Sets the metric type of vector field.
A metric type defines how Milvus measures the distance between vectors.
metricType: Algorithm used to measure the distance between vectors.
withDescription(String description)Sets the collection description.
The value can be an empty string. The default description is "".
description: Description of the collection.
withPrimaryField(String primaryField)Sets the name of the primary field.
The value cannot be empty or null.
primaryField: Customized name of the primary field.
withVectorField(String vectorField)Sets the name of the vector field.
The value cannot be empty or null.
vectorField: Customized name of the vector field.
withAutoID(boolean autoId)Sets whether the primary field automatically increments.
The value defaults to false.
autoId: Whether the primary field automatically increments is allowed.
withSyncLoad(boolean syncLoad)Sets whether the collection is to be loaded upon creation.
The value defaults to true, indicating that the collection is to be loaded upon creation.
syncLoad: Whether the collection is to be loaded upon creation.
withConsistencyLevel(ConsistencyLevelEnum consistencyLevel)Sets the consistency level.
The default value is ConsistencyLevelEnum.BOUNDED.
consistencyLevel: The consistency level of the collection.
withPrimaryFieldType(DataType primaryFieldType)Sets the data type of the primary field.
The value cannot be empty or null. The default value is DataType.Int64.
primaryFieldType: The data type of the primary field.
withMaxLength(Integer maxLength)Sets the maximum length of the primary field if the data type of the primary field DataType.VarChar.
The value cannot be empty or null.
maxLength: The maximum length of the primary field if its data type is DataType.VarChar.
build()Constructs a CreateSimpleCollectionParam object.N/A

The method can throw the following exceptions:

  • ParamException is raised if the parameter is invalid.


This method catches all the exceptions and returns an R<RpcStatus> object.

  • If the API fails on the server side, it returns the error code and message from the server.
  • If the API fails by RPC exception, it returns R.Status.Unknow and the error message of the exception.
  • If the API succeeds, it returns R.Status.Success.


import io.milvus.param.highlevel.collection.*;

CreateSimpleCollectionParam param = CreateSimpleCollectionParam.newBuilder()

R<RpcStatus> response = client.createCollection(param);
if (response.getStatus() != R.Status.Success.getCode()) {

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